Smart Business Network for
Trucking Services

Sharing Smart Saving


Whatever the business domain, whether is an individual or company requesting or providing goods’ transportation. Usually, they try to own or find the better shipment service that increases business profit by reducing logistic costs. It is sometimes possible that different goods from the same geographical zone will be transported in semi-full trucks to different closest destinations. Then, these trucks return empty to their original fleet parking. Really, all transportation networks claim about the empty rides problem that increases costs and CO2 emission. The main goal of Filloop company is to deal with these adverse effects

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Who are we?

Filloop company adopts, integrates, and manages an intelligent cloud-based ride sourcing platform that provides on-demand truck services via smart devices. We focus on and exploits the cross-company empty truck rides, generally given-up by suppliers, to provide on-demand affordable trucking service. We offer an online growable sharing network under a win-win-based business model. We ensure shareable profit by identifying, pricing, matching, and assigning given-up empty truck rides. We follow the world’s move toward green logistics requirements by reducing CO2 emissions.

Our Vision

To be the cleverest growable business network of shareable trucking services betting on a win-win strategy via our slogan “Sharing Smart Saving

Our Mission

We provide to our customers an affordable and profitable freight truck services across an intelligent ride-sourcing platform by exploiting shared cross-company empty truck rides

Target Market

Filloop addresses all worldwide companies and individuals requesting or providing goods’ shipment. Filloop charge a win-win-strategy based-commission for connecting customers with trucks carriers via a cutting-edge intelligent application. 

Filloop follows an open business network-built strategy without setting boundaries limit in terms of customers/suppliers’ sizes, locations, and nationalities.


Filloop software is an intelligent cloud-based ride sourcing platform specialized in providing goods transportation services.

Filloop follows two business models to share services under a growable business network to ensure profitable cooperation by:

  • Offering a unique showcase platform for transport services suppliers to exhibit their whole services for customers.
  • Providing direct end-user services to customers by suggesting the more profitable and adequate available services according to their requests and profiles.

At these centers, customers will be able to make highly affordable deals with adequate suppliers.

Our Team

Business leaders and renowned academicians with long experience in operations, transportation, and logistics services.

Alaina E. Osborn

Marketing Specialist

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John Fishburn

Software Engineer

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Irene S. Walker

Product Designer

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